The Last Ride of Heinz and Furball
It had to end sooner or later. We packed up the car the morning of July 21 and put Salem, Oregon behind us. We made one stop in Portland to see Powell's Books, the largest new and used book store in the world. It takes up a whole city block with 5 floors of geeky goodness, an egghead's paradise. The building is so large, it generates its own weather systems. OK, maybe it's not that large, but it's pretty large. We bought a pile of books (tax free!) and made a run for the border.
Not long after leaving Powell's, we crossed the state line into Washington, and Oregon was Ore-gone, gone, gone. Just a few hours later, we were pulling up to Furball's home in Seattle. And that's it! *sniff*
What a great trip!
We can both say without hesitation that the best part of the trip was the afternoon we spent playing in the Yuba River in California with our friend, Sue. Cuts, bruises, and sunburns aside, it was the perfect way to spend an afternoon. Of course, the National Parks were pretty cool, too. ;-)
The front of Heinz's little hybrid is currently an entomologist's dream (nightmare?), with bugs from 7 Western states splattered all over it.

This blog was a bit of an experiment, but we found it added an element of connectedness with our friends and family. Thanks to everyone for reading along and commenting! It made our trip even more enjoyable. We're glad you came along for the ride.
Happy trails,
Heinz and Furball

Great blogging Heinz! Glad I could join you for TGWCRT 2005. Maybe next year we can do the TGMWRT. No, scratch that idea, there are only cows and crops in the Midwest. :P
1:46 PM
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